6 Ball Multiplex Cascade

What is a six ball pattern doing amongst a list of three ball tricks? One of the most obvious & probably the best pattern for practising Column Multiplex throws is the six ball multiplex cascade. Instead of throwing one ball, you throw two, simple. This is the easiest way to juggle six balls & anyone can do it. This tutorial assumes that you have already gone through the Column Multiplex tutorial.

Start by juggling a three ball cascade while holding a fourth ball in the base of your hand. Every now & then make a single crossing multiplex throw from the hand holding the 'spare' ball. Then carry on the cascade of three balls holding the 'spare' ball in the other hand. This is good practise because one hand has to catch & throw only using three fingers. Work up to making a column multiplex throw every third throw, so that you are juggling a cascade of two single balls & one multiplex. Juggle high, to give yourself time to catch both balls in the column & concentrate on the topmost ball of the stack.

Now move on to five balls, hold three in one hand & two in the other. Start by throwing a single ball from the hand holding three, make the throw higher than you normally would for a cascade. When it peaks throw a column underneath it, then as the column peaks throw another column underneath that. & stop. Keep practising until you can run a full cascade pattern. Make all throws to above head height; you need more time in between throws because you need time to make two catches instead of one.

Right then six balls, yes it is a big number but it is not difficult. The first thing to learn is how to hold four balls in one hand in a diamond formation.

Place the first ball in the base of the hand & hold it against the butt of your thumb with your little finger. Place the second ball on top of this & hold it in place with the thumb & the knuckle of your index finger. Place the third ball on top of the first & next to the second ball so that the three form a tight triangle & hold it in place with your ring finger. Place the last ball on top of the lot & hold it in place with the tip of your index & middle fingers. If you have small hands &/or large balls you may find this tricky & you may have to just balance the last ball on the end of your fingers. This is not a problem, after the first throw things will be back to normal. Hold the other two balls in your opposite hand as normal.

Start with a single column multiplex throw of the last two balls placed into the diamond grip, that is the two balls at the top & left of the diamond shape as you look at the palm of your hand. Make the first throw then as the top ball peaks make the next column multiplex throw underneath the lower most ball of the first throw. Make sure all of your throws are nice & high, you need to make twice as many catches in between throws so increase the amount of time you have to do so by throwing higher.

Because it is hard to catch four balls in one hand this is a pattern best learnt by just going for it. If you try to build up to the full cascade throw by throw you will find yourself picking up balls that have rolled out of your grasp. Just concentrate on making nice high column throws where both balls are in line one above the other. If you have to catch the balls out of position then your next throw will see one ball going to the side or in front or behind the other one, making the next catch even more difficult. A good throw leads to a good catch, which leads to a good throw, which leads to...

Rhythm is again very important to this trick. Try to keep a nice even, "Throw, catch, catch, throw, catch, catch..." Scoop your arms & make big throws. If you find yourself going no where don't be afraid of going back to five, four or even two balls & repractising the multiplex throw.