Invented by Rick Rubenstein. This pattern may be tricky to get your head around but stick with it. As soon as you know what goes where it doesn't seem too bad. This trick is often seen as a natural follow up to Burke's Barrage.
Start with two balls; hold one in each hand. Cross your arms over & turn the hand on top so that the palm faces down, the palm of the hand underneath faces up. Imagine a circle in front of you that is flat to your chest like the steering wheel of a car. On opposite edges are the two balls held in your hands. Carry both balls in the same direction around the circle by unwrapping & then rewrapping your arms. Keep the balls on opposite sides at all times. Turn the wrist of the arm on top to go from palm down to palm up & the one on the bottom to go palm up to palm down as you go.
When you get to the point where your arms are recrossed the opposite way round to the way they started make an Under the arm throw with the hand that is on the bottom. Throw the ball so that it curves in to land in the centre of the pattern. After releasing the ball, drop the throwing hand out of the way. At the same time continue the carry with the other hand around the edge of the imaginary circle so that it passes between the ball in the air & your empty hand. When the ball being carried is level with the one in the air throw it straight up by flicking your wrist back, then flick your wrist down to Claw catch the other ball & hold it with the palm facing down. Catch the other ball as an Under the arm catch. You are now in the opposite position to which you started.
Now do the same again on the other side.
As you do this move say to yourself, "carry, throw, throw, catch, catch." Keep practising, first one side then the other.
When you are comfortable doing the carry & throwing sequence on both sides, put the two halves together to make a continuous two ball pattern. When you claw the first throw, let the downward force of the claw catch lead straight into an outside scoop, you catch in the centre of the pattern & scoop outwards to put the ball back on the edge of the circle. Instead of throwing at the end of the scoop go straight into the circling carry as you have been practising. The little scooping action is important because it slows that side of the pattern down for an extra beat so that the second ball has time to catch up & be caught by the other hand.
Practise the two ball pattern forever. While doing so notice that after the first throw is made the hand that ducks out of the pattern to make way for the other arm is empty for a little bit. The third ball is caught & thrown here. But you already knew that.
Take all three balls, hold two in one hand & one in the other. Go straight into the pattern by throwing a vertical throw from the hand with two, then throw another vertical throw from the other hand, reach over & claw the first throw just as you did in the two ball exercise. Throw the third ball under the opposite arm on the outside of the pattern, then catch the second throw as an under the arm catch & go straight into the circling move. After making the next under arm throw you duck your hand out of the way as normal but this time catch the ball thrown up on the outside of the pattern. Scoop it under everything & throw it straight up on the other side of the pattern before catching the next ball under the arm. Now circle again the other way & so on.
Rubensteins Revenge is another 'flowy' trick. If your arms get tired quickly & you are jerking your arms as you carry the balls you are putting far too much physical effort into the pattern. Think circles, use your wrists to blend the movements together, sway with the pattern. Think smoooooth.
I think we'll end on the hippy note. For more flowy weavy patterns try The Two hand weave or Relf's Rubensteins.