Tunbridge Wells Juggling Club Homepage > 3 Ball Juggling Tutorials > Boston Mess > Boston Mess (Right, middle, left)
Boston Mess (right, middle, left)
- Left hand throws in right hand column, uncross arms
(or catches in left hand column if you have already gone through the list)
- Right hand throws in middle column & catches in right hand column
- Left hand throws in left hand column & catches in middle column
- Right hand throws in right hand column & catches in left hand column with arm on top
- Left hand throws in middle column & catches in right hand column with arm underneath
- Right hand throws in left hand column & catches in middle column with arm on top
- Left hand throws in right hand column & catches in left hand column arms uncrossed
- Right hand throws in middle column & catches in right hand column arms uncrossed
- Left hand throws in left hand column & catches in middle column with arm on top
- Right hand throws in right hand column & catches in left hand column with arm underneath
- Left hand throws in middle column & catches in right hand column with arm on top
- Right hand throws in left hand column & catches in middle column with arm underneath
- Return to top of list
Tunbridge Wells Juggling Club Homepage > 3 Ball Juggling Tutorials > Boston Mess > Boston Mess (Right, middle, left)