Caped hero routs yobs

note: This article was written for the Sun newspaper by Ben O'Driscoll on the 3rd May 2003 but has since disappeared from their website, but luckily a copy has been sitting on my hard disk.

A MYSTERIOUS caped crusader has launched a mission to wipe out crime — on the streets of Tunbridge Wells.

The masked hero is the talk of the sedate Kent town after a series of rescues and good deeds.

KAPOW! He chased away a group of young thugs hurling abuse at a woman in the town centre.

BIFF! The do-gooder scared off a gang of yobs chasing a man through the picturesque Pantiles area.

HOLY mackerel! Another woman was stunned when a young man in cloak and mask tapped her on the shoulder and said she had dropped her purse.

So far no one has any idea who he is.

Student Ellen Neville, 21 — who witnessed the first rescue — said: "A masked man rushed past me to assist the woman.

"He swept in, broke up the commotion and ran off. It was hilarious."

Chase victim Peter Norfolk said: "I thought I was going to get a real beating when suddenly this man arrived. He saved me, but didn’t even stop to give his name.”

Ruth Barker, who had her purse returned, said: "If only there were more people around with this kind-hearted spirit."

Police said: "This man should be applauded. He simply wants to carry out some good deeds. We have no idea who he is."

DO YOU know the caped crusader of Tunbridge Wells? Call us on 0207 782 4105.

Scan of article from The Sun